Every reason for all that I do begins and ends with you...

Monday, June 13, 2011

Dear Chris,

If anyone were to ask me to describe the best time of my whole life, my happiest of all memories... it would undoubtedly be the week we spent on our family vacation 2011. You will never fully know how much this trip meant to me and I hope we can continue to show our family this treat of undivided love and attention as we grow.
The Tennesse part of our trip was such a wonderful time. I loved sharing with you that side of myself and believe all of the love we were shown from the family is one we have carried into our relationship and as parents.
Cape Cod, in a small cottage with the 2 people I love the very most in this world was bliss and I'm more in love with you than ever before. All of the planning and work you did to make this happen didn't go unnoticed or unappreciated. It is a testiment to how much unconditional love you have for your family and what an amazing husband/daddy you really are. Thank you for all you do, thank you for being the rock of this family and thank you for the vacation of a lifetime. Cape Cod, with you and Aspen IS my happy place.

All my love forever + 1 day,

Friday, January 28, 2011

I Love You

We have never tried to do baby signs with Aspen, but she picked up this one from us and started doing it on her own one day! Makes us smile, and we really do love her oh so much.

Holidays 2010

The Holidays have come and gone, and I am just now getting around to updating our blog! Turkey-Day was wonderful, we did our rounds and saw the whole family... ate too much and slept great that night.

Christmas was a blast this year because Aspen knew more about what was going on. She opened presents and laughed a lot, which made our day that much sweeter! We again, got to see everyone in the family and had a full day of love and cherished memories!