Every reason for all that I do begins and ends with you...

Friday, October 30, 2009

First Halloween

Halloween has come and gone, with a FULL MOON too...YAY! Aspen was a ladybug and not a big fan of the outfit, maybe next year :-)

First we did the traditional carving of the pumpkin. Chris is still so cute because he has only carved them since we have been together, but I'm a seasoned vet hahaha... So he and Aspen both had confused, excited faces! I put the "guts" on her hand and the photo is priceless!!! Below is a picture of it all lit up, notice her hands are the eyes?

We then went to Great Grandma Brown's to "trick-or-treat" and then over to Grandpas, followed by Great Grandma Lynda's and THEN to Grandma and Grandpa's (wow this child has lots of grandparents!). Everyone loved her little outfit and we even had to go show her off to the neighbors. All the Grandparents got her fun cards that I'm going to put in her baby book to celebrate her first official holiday! YAY. Next year maybe we will get to dress her like a little devil or zombie and let her walk around a little bit... By the end of Halloween the midget had enough excitement so we hurried home and she zonked out.

Halloween is SO awesome, Chris and I normally dress up too- but it turns out it's much harder to get baby ready than us ;-) LOL we're learning!



Saturday, October 10, 2009

We can ROLL!

At barely over 2 months old Aspen decided to roll over for the first time! She has made little flip-flops before, roll.jpgbut this was a very deliberate on-purpose roll and it made us all so happy! We were doing tummy time and she pushed that little arm out, kicked that little leg and her whole body followed that bobble-head up and over. I held my breath when she was on her side and all but exploded with YAY's when she made it over all the way. I was SO happy that we (Chris and I) were both there to see her major accomplishment. Being as I'm writing this about a week later, I can say she has made several repeat preformances and soon she may be doing kartwheels eh? Ok maybe not...