Every reason for all that I do begins and ends with you...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

We can ROLL!

At barely over 2 months old Aspen decided to roll over for the first time! She has made little flip-flops before, roll.jpgbut this was a very deliberate on-purpose roll and it made us all so happy! We were doing tummy time and she pushed that little arm out, kicked that little leg and her whole body followed that bobble-head up and over. I held my breath when she was on her side and all but exploded with YAY's when she made it over all the way. I was SO happy that we (Chris and I) were both there to see her major accomplishment. Being as I'm writing this about a week later, I can say she has made several repeat preformances and soon she may be doing kartwheels eh? Ok maybe not...


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