She is finally here!
So, at 3:33 am on Saturday, August 8 2009 my water broke all over our bed and Aspen had decided it was time to make her (dramatic) debut. I woke Chris up and we luckily had the bags already packed and in the car so we threw the dogs outside and started the 30 min. drive to Memorial hospital. We got there around 4am and the doors were LOCKED so Chris left me (dripping wet) at the doors to get the car to drive to the ER entrance, not knowing it was literally 6 feet from where we stood :-) when we made it to the 2nd floor my family was already waiting there for us and they stayed until she was born at 5:10 that evening. Labor was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be, even though my epidural had worn off and it was then too late to get a boost of pain killers... She weighed 6lbs 15oz and was 20 inches long. There were so many wonderful people at the hospital to welcome Aspen into our lives- Mom, Dan, Devin, Aaron, Lynda, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Kim, Bob, Trevor, Dana.......... Friends and family continued to visit us in the hospital for the next 3 days......... sorry if I'm forgetting anyone, but the point is from the very beginning she has been so loved and welcomed and is truly blessed to have such an amazing group of people in her life!
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