Every reason for all that I do begins and ends with you...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Caton Christmas Uno

This year may have been the most magical Christmas since the wise-guys found Mary and the crew in that stable long long ago!

Obviously it was Aspens first Christmas, and to date it was the best holiday we have ever had! To recap the events: Christmas eve my Mom always hosts a fantastic feast for EVERYONE!!! Family, friends, neighbors, people you meet the day of and want to share the special moments with.... it is incredible that she can take the time out of her crazy life to orchestrate something that means SO much to everyone. I hope in years to come I can help Aspen have memories just as special! On Christmas morning We woke up very early and did our stockings from Santa, then we surprised Grandma (she didn't think we would see her until the afternoon) for stockings and presents at her house, then we went to Great Grandma's house for an amazing breakfast/ festivities, then we came home for a mid-morning nap *much needed*, THEN we went to Great Grandma Lynda's house for Christmas day dinner.

Very busy day, and very amazing day. Aspen recieved so many great and special things... among the favorites are a HANDMADE and INCREDIBLE stocking from Grandma, a toy that hangs in her crib for her to play with during "quiet time" (which she is getting very good at staying entertained for an hour every day so MaMa can nap)... some adorable finger puppets, a walker ETC! We are so fantastically blessed.

I think my most favorite gift was (besides sharing the day with my beautiful daughter and charming husband) was the diamond necklace symbolizing the incredible journey we are on, awww....

Chris say's his favorite memory of Christmas this year was carrying Aspen down the stairs to open her very first stocking.

As the years go on we are looking SO forward to little feet running down the hall to wake us up on Christmas morning. LOL, Chris still has more excitement and childlike wonder around the holidays than anyone I have ever met- one of the very many reasons I love him with my whole heart.

Here are some highlights of the day, enjoy!


Aspen and Daddy Christmas morning


Our favorite gift


Aspen's stocking


Love this one... note the necklace :)

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