Every reason for all that I do begins and ends with you...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Toddler Bed... Almost.

We got Aspen a toddler bed, then painted and decoupaged it to match her room :) SO exciting! I decided that we should put it in her room and let her choose when it's right to make the transition. She loves climbing in it and pretending to put her dolls to sleep, she even "reads" them stories! She has taken 2 naps in her new bed, and last night she fell asleep in it!

Then, around 10pm we heard some crying. She was sitting up and looking around the room like "where am I?!" and she was so cute I had to scoop her up. We went out to the living room to snuggle for a min. with Daddy and then both my babies fell asleep.

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